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(n.) longer version of Jeweeb or Jweeb,

A non-derogatory parody of the term weeabo or weeb describing someone that is unusually obsessed with Israel or Jewish Culture. They are typically very invested in the Israeli-Palestine conflict and may often view Theodor Herzl as a father figure. They may or may not have a T-shirt that says Mossad and an Israeli flag above their bed. Other symptoms include listening to "Tel Aviv" by Omer Adam on repeat and only singing along with the chorus. Onset of obsession may start at a young age influenced by family or by Birthright. Jeweebs tend to be Sephardic over Ashkenazi.

A non-Jew or Goy Jeweeabo is obsessed with finding a Jewish partner, in hopes of either obtaining an Israeli passport or being part of the Jewish community. A lifetime supply of shakshuka and Iced Cafe may also be a factor.

Charles: Jasmine starting crying when we reached David Ben-Gurion Airport at the end of birthright.
Andrew: Omg! What a Jeweeabo!

Sean: Bella, stop grinding on all these poor people at Kuli Alma and let's go back to the hotel!
Bella: I can't, I'm trying to nab a nice Jewish boy!
Sean: Stop being such a Jeweeabo or I'm walking back by myself!

by Blackfin May 19, 2020