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Jigaboo Blues

noun. Derived from two words: JIGABOO which is a silly, racist term for a black person, and BLUES which is a feeling of depression or repression expressed through song.

JIGABOO BLUES is a pejorative term for when African American folk complain about their situation or plight and blame their misfortune on white people, slavery, or racism, drugs, etc. This is similar to "playing the race card", in that they believe they are being targeted because they are black or simply claim that they are being "racially profiled" just to try and get out of something.

Cop: So I pulled over this black fellow for swerving across the center line, and when I asked him so undergo a sobriety test, he started singling the Jigaboo Blues, called me a cracker, and said I was racial profiling. However, my suspicions were confirmed when my flashlight revealed three empty 40 oz Natty Boh's.

by Dyrty Hyrry November 11, 2009

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