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Jizz Catcher

A poorly grown or awful looking mustache on someone who has no reason to have one, so therefore it can be assumed that their purpose in having it is to assist in the task of catching jizz so it doesn't enter their mouth after they have performed the act of oral sex. Also can be called a "JC" for short.

Friend 1: Hey Ian, that mustache is both terrible looking and completely unnecessary, why would you sacrifice your looks and integrity to have it?

Friend 2: It's obviously so I can catch jizz so it doesn't end up in my mouth after I suck some dick idiot, they call it a jizz catcher, try and keep up homo.

Example 2

Friend 1: Man check out the jizz catcher that Carlos is growing!

Friend 2: Yeah man that's crazy, I hear they are really efficient though.

Friend 1: Efficient for what?

Friend 2: Catching jizz after oral sex do it doesn't get in your mouth!

Friend1: Oh ok, makes perfect sense now.

by DunskyM April 13, 2011

58πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

jizz catcher

A loose bitch who is (or thinks she is) the queen of blow jobs.

Hey John, check out that girl at the end of the bar. Maybe you can hook-up; I hear she's a real jizz catcher!

by Michele one fuckin L January 14, 2010

54πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

jizz catchers

The dimples on the small of many woman's backs, high on their ass cheeks, that can collect or pool-up the cum that's shot there.

"Dude, I pulled out and blew it on her ass and the load filled both jizz catchers!"

by jummpstart912 March 3, 2008

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Jizz Cup-Catcher Chin

The little dent in the chin that catches excess sperm while being on the receiving side of the ejaculator: evolution's way of letting us know it’s an ally of the LGBTQ+, with a special focus on homosexual activities.

"When Joey gets an unsuspected spray of sperm from a trick, he can rest easy knowing that due to his JIZZ CUP-CATCHER CHIN, the mess will be less."

by MAGAcult January 26, 2025