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Joffrey Baratheon

Piece of shit king from Game of Thrones that *spoiler alert* deserved to die.

He was a lil bitch too.

"Yo did you see the episode where *spoiler alert* Joffrey Baratheon dies?"
"Hell yeah man thats the best episode yet!"

by chancethezaddy December 6, 2017

Joffrey Baratheon

A serial killer king from Game of Thrones that has done lots of horrible shit throughout the first four seasons. Fortunately, he died in season 4 episode 2 due to poisoning.

My mother: Joffrey Baratheon is a serial killer. I hate that guy.

Me: Iā€™m glad he died in season four episode 2.

by Excrushman August 12, 2021

joffrey baratheon

The most hated king from Game of Thrones. Powerful and Strong (yet whines like a little girl)

Guy: Hey do you know Joffrey Baratheon from GOT

Girl: oh yea i know him. Hes the king right

Guy: um yea

by DOPE.HIPSTER June 7, 2016

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