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John F. Kerry

John Kerry is one of the toughest, smartest senators in Congress. When he's not battling the narrow-minded neocon agenda in the Senate, he's holding the Bush Administration's feet to the fire, championing the rights of the average American, speaking and writing on the environment, pushing for a swift end to the war in Iraq, pushing for extended veterans benefits, social justice, world security, fair trade, worker's rights, Internet freedom, helping small business and other important issues.

Kerry is a strong and loyal Democrat and lifelong environmentalist, who was involved in the first Earth Day in 1971, and who continues to fight for our earth over the interests of big oil. With his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, the senator has just written a book entitled "This Moment on Earth" which tells the stories of ordinary folks who are making a difference by rolling up their sleeves and doing their part to clean and protect our earth.

Kerry has also been one of the first to call for a timeline to withdraw our troops from Iraq. With Senators Feingold and Boxer, he co-authored the Kerry-Feingold Bill in 2006. Kerry has been one of the most outspoken against George W. Bush's failed policy in Iraq and was the first senator to call for Donald Rumsfeld's resignation.

John F. Kerry is a great man and one Hell of a senator

by Political Junkie April 16, 2007

192👍 106👎

John F. Kerry

Extreme Massachusetts liberal, in the mold of other famous Democrat failures such as Michael Dukakis and Walter Mondale.

Unable to keep his lies straight:
"I actually did vote for the $87 billion, before I voted against it."

John F. Kerry lost the 2004 Presidential election in a landslide of the magnitude not seen since 1984.

by Tom May 1, 2004

136👍 290👎

John F. Kerry

Liberal US Politician, with very left-wing views that are unpopular with the rest of America, as shown by his loss in the 2004 election. Further reasons for his loss were his indecisiveness, which was nicknamed 'Flip-Flopping' by the American people; the fact that his campaign centred around criticizing the Bush administration, as opposed to giving actual solutions to the problems; and also the fact that it is easier to keep the same leader in wartime. He lost in an enormous landslide, but still remains in Senate.

John Kerry's ego has taken an enormous beating in losing the election, and the media's portrayal of George W Bush as an unpopular leader is now in question.

by Lucky Strike February 9, 2005

52👍 191👎

John F. Kerry

an insignificant LOSER.

We should promote peace, just tell me when its all over

by andrew April 7, 2005

47👍 198👎

John F. Kerry

Lost an election to a monkey.

"Ugh, He lost to a monkey, what next? A cookie? Heinz?!?!

by Pat March 10, 2005

22👍 203👎

john f. kerry

Can't form a solid opinion but "CAN" form a solid hairdo.

a plastic man

Didn't I see John Kerry in a Primus video?

by The Swedish Chef November 2, 2004

93👍 212👎

john f. kerry

A man with no platform.He is running on NOTHING.

John Kerry's platform = "Bush bad,me good.Get rid of Bush,put in me"

Bush's platform = "uh,we gotta kil these terrorist bastards before they kill us"

That's the choice.Good Luck shmucks!

by Demo4Bush November 2, 2004

53👍 201👎