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John Prescott

Is the Deputy Prime Minister of the UK.

He has failied in everything he has tried to do.

He has several infamous nick-names...

"Two Jags" because he was known to own 2 whole Jaguars!
"Two Jabs" because he punched some wise guy who chucked and egg at him.
And most recently "Two Shags" because he had an affair with one of his secretarys in his own office over his very own desk!

JP really hasn't done any favours for British politics, still Tony Bliar won't sack him, although he has basically removed all the power he had.

"I think John Prescott is a fucking wanker!"
"I think John Prescott is the best fucking thing since sliced bread!"

by QPWOEIRUTY May 21, 2006

68👍 7👎

john prescott

A fat shit who screws people other than his bimbo secretary. After the Labour party reshuffle they axed 2 guys and instead of putting this fat shit on a diet and cutting him out, they kept him in.. REMOVING HIS POWERS but still letting him keep his houses, the cars and him keeping his 6 figure salary!

So basically the twat sits on his arse eating pies and wanking off in his 'office' earning more than the highest paid man in Britain.

When he isn't jerking off he's in the House of Commons having the piss ripped out of him anyway. Why the fuck doesn't he just quit?

JP - I'll be eating your pie before too long.. 'Lo Bob.

Rodney Carrington - I got a 12 inch dick and a dozen rozes..
John Prescott - I got a 2 inch dick and a dozen pies..

by Drum Boy May 31, 2006

36👍 6👎

john prescott

Class hating northern twat.

Hates anyone who has money or tries to better themselves, believes he is a man of the people !!

Yeah, John the only people you represent are beer swilling embittered failures who resent everyone else who got up of their arses and got a real job.

Abject failure in every politic task he has been given.

Integrated Transport Policy - Total Fuck Up

More Homes in the South East - Total Fuck Up

More Rights to Pikey Scum - success

Oh Well thats all right then !!!

by Bonnie Bert May 3, 2005

256👍 86👎

john prescott

Rotund New labour minister. Known for driving 2 jaguars (sometimes at the same time) and punching people.

2 Jags Prescott

by oracle March 13, 2004

197👍 91👎

John Prescott

Britain's most awesome politician, this man should be fucking Prime Minister.

Known for pissing in public and knocking mullet headed welsh men the fuck out

Real politicians aren't afraid of slapping the stupid public around every now and then

Some Cunt: Oi Two Jags!

Two Jags: What the fuck? Come ere you southern twat, *WHACK* Now stay down, you little bastard

by LiverLover April 30, 2005

40👍 47👎

john prescott

An embarressment to New Labour because he belives in outdated things like Social justice and speaking plainly.

Drives two jags, so what, lots of people have two cars, at least these ones are British related.

Oh and once punched some mullet headed hick because he thought that the hick had started to attack him.

round 1: John '2 jags' Prescott v. Farmer '3 Toyotas, 2 Subarus and 6 tractors' Giles

by melchy May 31, 2004

18👍 37👎