Known as "IrmĂŁo do Jorel" in Brazil. A brazilian cartoon created by por Juliano Enrico. The series shows the daily life of an eccentric and extravagant family. Jorel is the middle child, with silky smooth hair and a sweet and attractive way to win girls, which makes him the most popular guy in town. However, the show is not about him, but about his younger brother, a shy and nameless boy and always called "Jorel's Brother". Almost always overshadowed by the fame and popularity of his older brother, Brother of Jorel tries to gain his own identity and be someone important in the family. Each situation always happens in confusion, some very serious and others not so much, all very typical of a Brazilian family environment of the 1980s, amid surreal and senseless adventures, always from the perspective of the Jorel's Brother.
Everyone calls me "Jorel's brother" but my real name is--
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