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Joseph Case Jr High School PART 1

Joseph Case Jr. High is like an industrial shredder, but instead of crushing things, it eats self-esteem. The kids here are brutal, making fun of others left and right. In some cases, 'brutal' is an overstatement. There are a ton of playground insults thrown around, like "jerk" or "dummy". But let me tell you, these children are mature in an immature sort of way. They know super harsh words that they claim to use as jokes, like "whore" or "bastard". Now, that might not seem that aggressive, but imagine being in a so called "child friendly" place, surrounded by 11 and 12 year old's. There are some kids paying attention to the lesson, but it's mostly joking and talking. You look in the back to see that there are two kids bickering. You don't pay much mind to it, but then one of them calls out, "SLUT!", and laughs. The other kid is completely distraught. That isn't a situation that I'd like to be in. VISIT PART 2

Kid1: "hEy mAN, wANnA sEe mE sLAm mYSeLF iNtO thiS wiNdOw?!"
Kid2: "yEAh, bRO! LEtS gET tHis bREad!"
Joseph Case Jr High School PART 1

by urbanDictionaryAnon420 May 8, 2019