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The sound an entitled mother makes as she is beating on her child

*Repeatedly smacks child *

by JowyJowyJowy November 3, 2020

7👍 2👎


1. Someone who is amazing
2. Someone who is supportive and understanding
3. Someone who is caring
4. Someone who loves you for who you are
5. Someone who is fun to be around
6. Someone who is beautiful inside and out
7. Someone who in spite of the past, lives for the future
8. Someone who you can spend your forever with

Just when i thought being alone made me feel complete, JOWI comes into my life and lets me know I wasn't complete after all. He gave me what I was missing.

by Mrs. Potato October 17, 2010

118👍 14👎


A kick ass girl that loves sweet hearted guys

Jowie is a girl

by Possomlover May 22, 2013

28👍 19👎


a gay homie that takes the gayness to whole different level it makes him a real gay dude

oh i saw jowi at the lgbtqabcdefgh parade

by your big #bro May 2, 2023