When one of your peeps starts to share their opinion all up in your grill… This usually takes place while enjoying cocktails. More times than not, it would be about the person you are dating. Otherwise it will be about the choice of clothes you happen to be wearing…
When a girl like La-Teesha gives her BFF Shontaya crap after she saw her at the mall with that little punk Delroy. Shontaya would say: “gurl… why do you have to get all Judgie up on me?”
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An adjective describing a person or their general attitude when they profoundly believe their own reality is the only one, or primary one, in existence, resulting in constant judgement of others (as opposed to 'being judgemental' where one consciously draws a judgement on a particular subject).
"After her colleagues finally started having babies of their own, the only way for such a judgy person to preserve any semblance of friendship was to learn to hold her tongue."
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(Adj)-used to describe a person (most people) who has strong negative opinions on many things;judgmental
Kirstin was being so judgy when she turned down a date with the guy in glasses because she assumed he would be a dork.
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A person who is a fan of the video game, Judgment!
"Oh you play Judgment?"
"Yeah, I'm a Judgie!"
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Said when someone looks at you after you have done something that oone perceive as inappropriate, one would respond with "no judgy".
Question - "Did you really eat the entire box of Halloween Candy?"
Response - "No judgy"
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Judgy McJudgerson is what you call someone who judges everyone for their behavior, except, of course, themselves.
A guy who sleeps with random girls every night of the week and sees no problem with it, but calls a chick who does the same a whore. Then Judgy McJudgerson has sex with her.
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