Source Code

Jumpin Jesus

a word to show your expression when someone scares you


Jumpin Jesus you scared the bejesus out of me!

by AT02202 December 17, 2006

15👍 5👎

jumpin jesus

1. nickname for the Son of God in his triple jumping years, also see jebus

2. (usually preceded by "great") an exclamation

Great jumpin Jesus, you scared the crap out of me!

by grasshoppers January 20, 2003

13👍 8👎

Jumpin' Jesus on a Pogo Stick

Exclamation of disbelief.

From the song "Stuart," by The Dead Milkmen:

Anyway, 10:30, the other night, I go out in my yard, and there's the Werzner kid, looking up in the tree. I say, "What are you looking for?" He says "I'm looking for my burrow owl." I say, "Jumpin' Jesus on a Pogo Stick! Everybody knows that a burrow owl lives in a hole in the ground! Why the hell do you think they call it a burrow owl, anyway?"

by SwankSpike March 2, 2006

110👍 13👎

Jumpin' Jesus on a Pogo Stick

Exclamation of disbelief.

Anyway, 10:30, the other night, I go out in my yard, and there's
the Worker kid, looking up in the tree. I say, "What are
you looking for?" He says "I'm looking for my burrow owl."
I say, "Jumping Jesus on a Pogo Stick. Everybody knows
where the burrow owl lives. In a hole. In the ground. Why the hell do you
think they call it a burrow owl, anyway?"

by luser November 21, 2002

41👍 20👎

Jumpin' Jesus on a Pogo Stick

An exlamation of disgust or alarm

"Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick! That capsized truck was carrying a freezer full of livers to the hospital, what a mess!"

by SpiderGirl May 1, 2003

24👍 16👎