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June 10th

People born in June 10 are delightful human beings, they are very energetic but laid back and always extremely alluring and fun loving, they might secretly be dating you parents and probably plotting your death, if you are friends with someone born June 10th you have a great friend and should consider yourself lucky

Dude she was born June 10th!

Wow people born June 10th are awesome and so mysterious

by Yodel boi November 19, 2019

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June 10th

National Kiss, Hug, Grab ass, Grab Dick, Fuck and just be freaky day

Josh *Grabs ass*
Emily "Wtf why did u do that?"
Josh *It's June 10th*

by JackBeenstalk June 9, 2019

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June 10th

National bae day!

Oh today is June 10th! I better post my bae

by Bae day June 10, 2021

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June 10th

National "you're stupid" day. You can call anyone stupid and it is not offensive

Bob:"What is today"
Billy:"June 10th"
Bob:"Hahahah, you're stupid"

by November 12, 2020

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June 10th

National fat rips day

Craig:Do you know what today is?
Noah:yeah *takes a fat rip of the bong* it’s June 10th

by OneDankAssBou May 26, 2020

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June 10th

let your best friend control your instagram/snapchat story for one whole day

June 10th:
best friend: you know what day it is!
best friend #2; oh Yeah June 10th

by Olaf finna be my husband June 4, 2020

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June 10th

June 10th is national phone sex day.

"I gotta take this phone call it's my girl and its June 10th. You know what that means!!!"

by mynutshack June 10, 2020

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