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Kalamazoo Central

That school located on North Drake road. Despite being named Kalamazoo CENTRAL
It has three floors,

Here are some things about the lamest high school on the north side of Kalamazoo

1st floor is mainly offices, and computer labs, a few classes here or there. Contains the security entrance… were one can be expected to pay unreasonably high prices for new IDs. The business hallway is located in the core of the school. Full of computers, the business hallway can reach ungodly hot temperatures, and with all the schools servers down there, no cell phone carrier is known to be able to cut through all the radio interference.

The Main Stairway - An unimpressive set of stairs that are always crowded. They allow easy access to the cafeteria; an equally unimpressive large room.

The Cafeteria – used by students as a place to hang out while skipping third block classes, it is the loudest room in the school. Students also enjoy using the cafeteria floors as a gigantic garbage can, along with the surrounding bathrooms and hallways. Fights will commonly occur here, and there is always security guards patrolling to keep us at bay.

The SECOND FLOOR – holding the bulk majority of all students, the second floor contains classes for all grade levels, mainly upper classmen, and a few freshman foreign language classes. This is the second most likely place for a fight in the school, and students will commonly be out in the hallways during class yelling at one another.

The Third Floor – the most noticeable thing about this floor is the distinct smell of fresh meat. The majority of the freshman population resides on this level, along with some science labs with broken equipment, and closed off gas lines.

The 500 Wing – used mainly for EFE classes, this wing holds photography, heath, engineering (electrical and structural) art, bilingual club, and dance. Referred to sometimes as ‘the dungeons’, nothing interesting ever happens down there.

The Athletic Wing – the most favored part about this school for most students, this wing hold the gym, weight room, conditioning room, pool, and locker rooms. Used for assemblies, Fights can have huge audiences if timed just right.

Bathrooms – used by girls for large group meetings, and by guys for pissing, the bathrooms throughout the school are used for gambling, drugs, smoking, fights, graffiti, gang meetings, make outs, and of course forgetting to flush shit down the toilet.

Gangs – many gangs have come and gone. All of them operating out of the bathrooms, they don’t do shit, and enjoy writing their symbols on toilets, and school desks.

Full of pride in having a well mixed racial population, students often joke about other districts being racist, and rich (i.e. Mattawan and Portage), and no matter what position you are in, making said jokes will get laughs.

Kalamazoo Central High School will always suck,

but at least it doesn't suck as much as LOY NORRIX

students talking to other students at KALAMAZOO CENTRAL.

student #1 "SO, did you see that fight?"

student #2 "Dude, that one with those white chicks"

student #1 "No, I heard 'bout that one though. I'm talking

about the one near the stairs."

Nerd "Damn! dose motha f***a's was scrapin'!"

Student #3 to Nerd "Dude shutup, you ain't cool!"

student #2 to #1 "No, i missed that fight, i was shootin' dice in the bathroom."

Student #2 "damn, check out that fine lookin' chick over there!"

Students #1, #2 "*whistle* that is da shhhit"

Nerd "I'd hit that bitch,!!!! hot damn"

*girl overhears* *girl group laughs and goes to bathroom together*

Students #1, #2, #3 "What the f***,!!!!!!"

Nerd "sorry, dawgz, though that was cool."

*New student randomly walks into class*

>> *POW* *punches nerd*

New student "so what were you guys talking about?"

Student #1 "the fight."

New student "the one with the fat white girls? that shit was sorry"

*** THUNDER in hallway****

unision - "Oh shit, those motha f***a's are at it again!!!"

*every student runs to hallway

Security arrives. ***crowds disperse***

Student #3 "shit, I missed it!"

Student # 536 holding cellphone camera. "i'm putting this shit on youtube."

Random Student runs past, Steals Phone/camera***

*** group returns to class, finds nerd.

nerd "what i miss"

students Grab Nerd, proceed to throw him into girls bathroom.

Student #3 "what were we talking about?"

student #1 "that fight."

student #3 "The one with the fat Whi-----"

Student #1 "what is it with you and fat white bitches!!!"

Student #3 "thats.....ERrr..... YOUR MOM"

Student #1 "What did you say bout my mama! wanna take this shit outside."

Student #3 *pushest hard* "F*** yea lets go!"

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END OF ACT one>>>>>>>>>>>>

by The Caliber June 4, 2009

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