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An Unidentified Flying Object known for "crapping" onto a city or large body of people. This term came to be after Portland's radio station, 101 KUFO, fired the city's most popular radio personalities, e.g. Cort and Fatboy/ The Rick Emerson Show, and replaced them with Seattle's Ricker, thus "crapping" on the city of Portland.

It is speculated that the "K" in KUFO stands for "Krap". The letter "K" is often used in place of a "C" to symbolize either a child at an entry level of reading, or an adult of sub-par intelligence.

It is also speculated by some that this term came from the radio station's crappy selection of music which people put up with only to hear their favorite radio personalities.

1. Boy, we sure got KUFOed when the networks canceled Firefly.

2. We're really getting hit by KUFO these days, what with all these reality shows on TV.

by J-Dubb's Theatre October 25, 2009

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A verb meaning to "take a large dump." This usage derives from "KUFO" as an object which takes a "large dump" onto an entire demographic of people. KUFO can be used literally or metaphorically.

Will you guys excuse me? I have to take a KUFO.

Wow, my Windows 98 PC sure is taking a KUFO right now.

by J-Dubb's Theatre October 25, 2009

63๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A radio station in the Portland, Oregon area that plays all kinds of rock/metal.

"The only radio station worth listening to around here is KUFO."

by Kulawend August 14, 2007

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very seggsy and loves the climber. did i mention they are seggsy

person a: .kufo won the seggsiest person alive award
person b: duh they are seggsy

by .kufosimp February 22, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


kufo is a guy that posts amazing content but gets no views or likes also people never ask to be mutuals

kufo your not shadow banned.

by Goofy C February 12, 2021

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.kufo is a sexy person who pulls both females and males, and makes them both wetter than a step mom with their step son

Female: omg have you seen .kufo they makes me so wet

Make: every time I see them a jizz a little

by 3ddie_yeager February 22, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Blaise Kufo

A football player. One of the first black players scoring goals for the Swiss national team.

Zurich supporter: Did you see that goal Blaise N'Kufo scored against Greece? Amazing scenes!

Grasshoppers supporters: His name is Kufo. The N is omitted you idiot! By the way Blaise Kufo is playing for Twente this weekend.

by Discombobulated1 April 20, 2009

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