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Karen Walker

A Karen who is a pill popper, as opposed to most Karens, who are simply a pill.

Reference to the Will and Grace character.

“Yeah, she shows up late to work a bottle in. And I’m talking both vodka AND pills. Such a. Karen Walker.”

by TK2000 October 30, 2023

Karen Walker

The alcoholic, pill-popping, sexaholic, bisexual, lovely socialite that Megan Mullally plays on the show 'Will and Grace'. Yayy for Karen.

I was drinking a martini last night, and I looked exactly like Karen Walker.

by Jaci <3 December 2, 2005

180👍 33👎

Karen Walker Digits

Short fat northern hormonal sociopath, who has been convinced her daughter is a bit of a minx. A further definition is a brutal and spiteful human being who imparts her long seen life failings as a parent and a women on others through the use of coarse and unfair tactics and words. In summary, a self centered and delusional hormonal breeder of sluts.

You're a useless piece of shit, said Karen Walker Digits to a member of her team, as her daughter walked in with another brown baby.

by Afghan Will January 4, 2018