Source Code


hella gay

karkat is fuckin gay my guy

by fuckoffyouasshatwhatthehell November 19, 2017

253πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A Person that has anger issues, trusts nobody except for a few loved ones, they do not show their true emotions very well, the only time they express happiness or sadness is when something tragic or Joyful happens. They cannot help themselves but to be angry, they're angry at how society is and wish for a better change in secret.

Guy #1: " Hey..is he Okay?"
Guy #2: " Ignore him, Phil. He's a Karkat..I've seen one of those in California "

by Taco bellic June 19, 2018

84πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Beep Beep Meow.
A character from MsPaintAdventures
Story: Homestuck
He's a total misunderstood bitch. He is the self proclaimed leader of the Troll team. (wants in on Johns pants party)

"2hoooo2h karkat, ii know you love me, but ju2t keep iit on a down low..."

by RANDOM HOMESTUCK FAN November 20, 2011

640πŸ‘ 120πŸ‘Ž


angry troll from homestuck ig

me: karkat is so cute pls
my friend: i literally dont care

by WeirdFandomEnjoyer April 7, 2021

29πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Angry troll

β€œKarkat my beloved”

by onmycarnakedcoveredinbees August 19, 2023


a car crash victim

he's a pimp ass mother fucker
he likes car paths and goes to Home Goods often

Did you see Karkat at Raley's yesterday? The fucker got lost looking for Home Goods.

by Gamzee Makara August 14, 2011

209πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž

Karkat Vantas

A troll found in the comic Homestuck made by Andrew Hussie on MS Paint Adventures.

He is temperamental, hasn't shown any specific talents (yet), and is a mutant. But we don't tell the rest of the trolls.

A Homestuck: Look at how cute Karkat is in this panel! He's so happy and adorable!
Friend: Dude, Karkat Vantas is a fictional extraterrestrial troll.

by Neo is not here August 19, 2013

119πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž