Kathy Yoon, the woman of the universe, PhD in hand. Also a professional UFC fighter, cage fighter, Highschool Quarterback all-star, soccer all-star, Highschool Wrestling Coach, philanthropist, nba, wnba, nhl, mlb player, nascar driver, ardy boss slayer, pker of all, first man and woman on the moon, dentist, lawyer, leader of the free world, queen, and our lord and savior. Jagex is also known for granting Kathy an in-game cape, which looks quite similar to the Ardy cloak.
Personal quote from Kathy: "once killed Jad without starting fight caves, achieved a max account at lvl 48, SoundCloud rapper, real estate mogul....must I go on?"
Don't mess with Kathy Yoon, I heard she can PK you with her 5 accounts under 15 seconds at level 30 wildy, crazy man...