A proxy at Kavra's Kingdom is someone who manages the servers. Most low ranks don't know who they are at all. At proxy rank you get much taller than you were from helper and also much skinnier. Being a Proxy is a very hard job. We look up to proxies, well at least some of them.
Helper 1:"She became a Kavra's Kingdom proxy she's much skinnier now"
Helper 2:"I guess she will take more responsibility "
Proxy 1:"Hi guys"
-Both of them look up-
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A knight at Kavra's Kingdom is High Rank known as "bald Giants". Knights loose their hair after they become Knight of course. They become really tall after guard as well.
"Sometimes Kavra's Kingdom Knights scare me and workers"
10👍 3👎
Ah, Helpers at Kavra's Kingdom known as "shorter and fatter than knights". At least when they rank up they grow their hair back from Knight, but somehow get shorter? Well at least they have a chance for Proxy. Most experienced rank.
Guard 1:"I'm being squished by this Kavra's Kingdom Helper"
Ally:"Try scooting over"
Guard 1: "There is another helper next to me"
-after picture is taken-
Helper 1: Why am I always being bullied??
10👍 4👎
The Guard job at Kavra's Kingdom is the first stage as a high rank. You will have the same ability as a Knight. Imagine getting fired for inactivity the first week...
50 people were recruited for the Kavra's Kingdom Guard rank recently.
11👍 5👎
A community of guards, knights, helpers, proxies, noob, and the Queen. HRs is short for High Ranks you will see some around the Kingdom. There are some HRs who make people feel uncomfortable *cough cough* never mind I won't say, but you know who you are. There are also very nice HRs. Most HRs waste their robux on user name changing, like what's wrong with the user they have? In the end, HRs are good people some of them are just broken.
Receptionist:-calls a Kavra's Kingdom HR-
Receptionist: "just testing"
HR: -quietly warns for misuse of the call system-
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A cult that is addicting but most jobs are boring and most hrs are supposed to be 13 but some are 8 or younger lol
Child 01:lets play kavras kingdom
Child 02:. . . THEY TRAPPED U
Child 03: I hate kavras kingdom
Child 04: i love guards and jesters bonk nose
Child 01: Kavra's kingdom is about job