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Kayla Kosuga

A YouTuber who's been stuck on one million subscribers for two years now, because of how unrelatable and irrelevant she has become. Not many girls are married (or at least survived a hs relationship), can afford to take care of a baby or get an own house at 20.

All her vlogs are literally repetitive and unoriginal as many other girls post the same thing. These videos include things like "7AM Morning Routine" or "GRWM". There are millions of videos like that on YouTube. There is nothing creative about her videos.

Not quite a humble person; she constantly feels the need to boast about her lifestyle and her relationship on the internet everyday for validation, because of how insecure she is. She is also very hard on her body in the terms of strictly dieting and exercising when she is already skinny as fuck —has gotten unhealthily skinnier over time.

She needs sum milk or else she will develop osteoporosis later in life.

Kayla Kosuga my ass lmao

by anon_1_1_ August 28, 2022

33👍 2👎

Kayla Kosuga

A YouTuber who exploits her children for views and money.

Kayla Kosuga reminds me of the ACE Family

by valeriev2 May 12, 2023

7👍 1👎

Kayla Kosuga

A YouTuber who has absolutely no awareness of her kids’ privacy. Dumps out all private moments of her kids on the internet and thinks it’s ok and doesn’t get held accountable for her actions.

It’s mind blowing how people still support Kayla Kosuga.

by ilovebobatea December 28, 2023