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A girl of german origins.

secretly perverted, but sweet. likes to sleep in boys apartments. is an amazing cuddler. has toured the world for years picking up ancient asian cuddle secrets.

Keddies always give the best fucks you can find.

you can usually find a keddie in apartments but are rare since they don't leave much.

if you do find a keddie. capture it, if you cant capture it take a picture or throw your pokeball.

when captured take it to your apartment. It will stay

That girl never leaves that studs apartment, she is such a keddie!!!

by buhtail April 21, 2017

3👍 4👎

keddi kosár

Egyes személyek nagyon szeretik a keddi kosarat


P2: DE MA NINCS IS KEDD!! (Még akkor is ha ma pont kedd van)
P1: *bemászik a sarokba sírni*

*És így nem kell pénzt költeni xD*

by Saichii November 26, 2021

Abbie Keddie

Abbie Keddies are normally found with a uk accent. They also have brown hair and brown eyes. She's bubbly and confident. They are girly, love acting, singing and dancing and is a total drama queen. She's also very funny and can be annoying at times. She's smokin' hot and she knows it! She also from know on won't let anyone hurt her feelings about her acne.

OMG do you know 'Abbie Keddie' she's the best!

by This writer gal October 10, 2017