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keep it wet

1. The act of lubricating
2. Chill out
3. Loosen up
4. Any other connotation of a wet vagina.

Girl: "Yo, why the fuck u be acting like that?"
Guy: "STFU and keep it wet."

by JessieLee March 26, 2009

13👍 10👎

keep it wet

Phrase often used to end a conversation with a female. Implies that she should calm down and loosen up. That dry-ass vagina of her's is probably making her ultra-bitchy. This phrase is popular in South Florida, not in Tampa.

After a long conversation with an overly bitchy chick.
Girl: "wah, wah, wah... my vagina hurts."
Me: "Whatever, I'll see you later, keep it wet."

by DirtyDezzy March 26, 2009

15👍 17👎

Keep It Wet

A versatile phrase used in different contexts:

1. Mainly used amongst men friend groups A phrase used when parting ways with a close friend, meaning to stay smooth confident, and maintaining an aura that attracts the most desirable. Basically to keep getting hoes!

2. When used towards a woman: A statement of affirmation or advice to a friend, sometimes used when parting ways, reminding them to recognize her worth and engage with someone who keeps her fulfilled both emotionally and physically.

Typically used by people in the Dallas-Fort Worth and other parts of Texas and south.

Exampled (Men):
Jay: “I’m out, bro. Hit me later.”
Dre: “For sure. Keep it wet out here.”
Jay: “You know I got this.”

Example (Women):
Lila: “Girl, I don’t know if he’s even worth my time anymore.”
Kia: “bitch you only get one life. Stop tripping on him. Keep it wet.

by Mark Saucer January 15, 2025