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Kerbal Space Program 2

The best game that you dream of which will never release.

Hey is Kerbal Space Program 2 released yet?
No it is delayed until 2023
Hey is Kerbal Space Program 2 released yet?
No it is delayed until 2024
Hey is Kerbal Space Program 2 released yet?
No it is delayed until 2025

by Matt Free March 9, 2021

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Kerbal space program 2

Bet yβ€˜all feel real silly right about now.

When Take-2 closed intercept games Kerbal space program 2 died it marked the end of a game that was doomed from the start, if certain anonymous devs are to be believed.

by Person1582962 June 7, 2024