Kevin, kevin, kevin. Where do I start? This guy seriously has a heart of gold and I wouldn't trade him for the world. Seriously a person I feel comfortable around and having a friend like him can really make the day better sometimes. He's soft, but he's tough. He has so much potential, and his creativity level is insane. I really hope he never changes. Whoever his soulmate is out there, they better know they are so, SO lucky to have someone like him in their life, because as his friend, I know I feel I lucky. I would sacrifice my life just so he could continue his. I love the guy, he's a total goofball. His smile is adorable, his eyes sparkle, and his hair is SO FLUFFFFFYYY. When I first met him, I knew him as the nice kid in my third grade class. Little did I know I was going to be building a friendship to last a lifetime. His personality is AMAZING, his kindness can brighten your whole day. He's a pretty decent hugger, not gonna lie. He's someone you can talk to for hours without getting even a little bored. He deserves the world and I can't wait to see what he does in his future. Whatever he decides to do in the near future, I know it'll be amazing to witness. Stay awesome, and happy birthday Kev.
Person 1: Who's that kid coming our way?
Person 2: Ohh, that's Kevin Moreno