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The Venn intersection of awesome and kick-ass.
Alternatively: the subset inclusive of members of the both the set of things that are awesome, and the set of things that are kickass
ie: Things that are both awesome and also kickass.

First known usage: December 30, 2004 by Joshua "Danger" French, in an IM conversation regarding polar bears, documented in a blog-post by Bex Schwartz entitled "Crossing the North Pole with a Curtain Rod and an Old Duck."

Once, I saw a unicorn go after a baby harp seal and he totally impaled the harp seal on his horn. It was astoundingly kickawesome, even though I rarely endorse the harm of aquatic mammals.

by Anne Coperdink December 14, 2006

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A kickass combination of awesomeness.

Its actual first usage was not by the person from the other definition, but actually by "kimicharlotte" on the Neopets forum, back in 2003.

Neopets had strict filters (and probably still has).

Hamtaro was kickawesome back in 2003, when I was in 3rd grade.

by kimicharlotte March 8, 2009


The occurrence of kicking a person or inanimate object that has been named or deemed awesome


Dude Barney, you're so awesome! -kick-

by CupricCow May 6, 2011


A situation where a spectacular event has occurred without any instance of physical violence (thus eliminating kickass)

Had a kickawesome time with Ghandi last week!

by CupricCow May 6, 2011


An instance involving an authoritative figure's arrival mid-word. Saying kickass can be diverted into kickawesome to prevent the use of profanity.

This happy meal is so kickas-- kickawesome! Hi grandma! I didn't see you there!

by CupricCow May 6, 2011