Source Code

kill your family

Something said in retaliation to a severe insult. Normally a conversational stopper.

Bob: Man, fuck you.
Jim: I will kill your family.

by Falcon Wrath April 21, 2004

19👍 4👎

Kill your Family Show

A joke TV show that appeared on Episode 45 of YGOTAS. It consists of Melvin repeating the phrase Kill your Family over and over again. Best show ever.

Marik: Oh look a shiny box! I must worship it!

Melvin: Kill your Family! Kill your Family! Kill your Family! Kill your Family! Kill your Family! Kill your Family!

Merchant: What's the matter? You never seen the Kill your Family show?

by king of koopas December 17, 2009

91👍 11👎

national kill your whole family and everyone on earth day

national kill your whole family and everyone on earth day
joke btw dont do it

sometimes you just want to just fucking kill everyone on earth well today you can

september 20th
hey can i kill you
because its national kill your whole family and everyone on earth day

by playergod March 21, 2021

4👍 1👎