King Cobra Premium Malt Liquor - King Cobra is a premium malt liquor brewed with a combination of malts & select unmalted grains. Brewed with U.S. grown hops, a special fermentation products a bold and distinctly flavorful taste.
Introduced in 1984, King Cobra is a robust, full-bodied, premium malt liquor , Anheuser-Busch brews & bottles King Cobra beer in St. Louis, Missouri.
See other brands of malt liquor such as
St. Ides , mickey's fine malt liquor ,
Big Bear Malt Liquor , Olde English 800
, Steel Reserve 211, colt 45 , hurricane 500,
Schlitz High Gravity .
King Cobra Premium Malt Liquor
Taste is the usual corn associated with cheap beer, bready, grass, light maltiness, slight sweetness. Light body, moderate carbonation. Dry finish.
King Cobra Premium Malt