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King of Kings

The title usually granted to a persian king or emperor

Cyrus was the great king of kings

by Zedyn May 10, 2020

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

King of Kings

a term given to someone who, while playing the drinking game kings has the ability to make one or more other players wake up on a boat the next morning. This is a very rare ability and very few people in the world posses this ability.

person 1: hey did you here what happened after kings last night?
person 2: yeah jose woke up on a boat.
person 1: yeah chris really is the king of kings.

by his royal highness... the king January 7, 2011

12πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

king of kings

Awesome beyond all compare. No one is better then king of kings. he can do anything at any time. Fear him.

king of kings playing Kuma War: *shoots everyone in sight* die bitches.

by chris fed September 22, 2007

24πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

king tut king shad

an absolute god. the best rapper chandler arizona has ever seen. got bailed out by dababy. he hard asf

omg he’s such a king tut king shad! he just fought a kid and got arrested but got bailed out by dababy!

by lividbiscuit August 10, 2020

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

king king

A ridiculous 'pet name' for a womans vagina. At the same time also capable of having no possible connection to a female or even their anatomy in any known way to speak of. Queen Queen would probably have been a better choice in some respect.

Well, did you kick your sister in the king king or didn't you?

I need new panties, you can see my king king through these!

by woota8 June 7, 2011

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

You think you're the king I'm the king!

A short that Nick eh 30 worked insanely hard on because of his griefers...

Nick eh 30: You think you're the king I'm the king!
* horn sound*
Nick eh 30: You and what army?
* A bunch of people appear*
Nick eh 30: OOOOOH CRAPPP!
*gets shot*

by Cragsly September 13, 2023

Sir King Of Kings Sir King Charles

One of the best kings so unfortunate that his mother passed away though she is a dear friend of mine and this Sir King Charles is all about making the world a better place God Bless Him!

Sir King Of Kings Sir King Charles The 3rd ... iii III lll 111 ||| !!!

by James Mary and the human twins April 20, 2023