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Knights of Columbus

A Catholic service fraternity for Catholic men aged 18 and up. Started by the Venerable Father Micheal J McGivney in New Haven Connecticut, the Knights of Columbus is a service organization which Catholic men participate to support the Roman Catholic Church and people in need of service. Often called "the strong Right arm of the Church", knights work in humble service for Christ's Church on earth.

See those guys at the front of the march for life? They're Knights of Columbus.

by Cup0Joe March 12, 2013

28πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Knights of Columbus

Expression used when one is in a great deal of pain.

"Knights of Columbus that hurt!!"
"Knights of Columbus, I've been shot!"

by Jonny Cheecho January 28, 2008

43πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

The Knights of Columbus

A Catholic service fraternity for Catholic men aged 18 and up. Started by the *Venerable Father Micheal J McGivney in New Haven Connecticut, the Knights of Columbus is a service organization which Catholic men participate to support the Roman Catholic Church and people in need of service. Often called "the strong Right arm of the Church" Knights pride themselves in humble service for Christ's Church on earth. Knights have financed things such as the March For Life (in Canada and the U.S.A), proposition 8 in California in support of the true definition of Holy matrimony, and have renovated many Catholic Churches all across the world. There are about 1,800,000 members, many from the Philippines, the US and Canada. members in 2008 have contributed around $144,000,000 to charities and have done over 50,000,000 hours in community service hours in that year alone. The values of each members reflect the aims of the Catholic organization which are: charity, unity, brotherhood and patriotism. Because of these 4 values, many knights are in the military and help veterans.

*Venerable is a title given to Catholics who are in the 2nd stage to Sainthood.

Parishioner 1: Oh Robert is a member of the "The Knights of Columbus"?

Parishioner 2: Yup, he ushers at Mass 1 Sunday per month with the knights and helps with renovating the Church and organizes youth activities!

Parishioner 1: That's so cool!

by Cup0Joe February 2, 2010

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

The Knights of Columbus

Term used by Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson) in Martin Scorsese’s The Departed for the Italian Mob.

β€œThe Knights of Columbus were real head-breakers; true guineas. They took over their piece of the city.β€œ - Frank Costello

by Edward005 July 28, 2020