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The most beautiful city in Poland. Also, the former capitol of Poland. It was the year's 2000 - Millennium Town of Culture and it has great restaurants, castles, bars, pubs, clubs, sights, etc... Big plus is that this city is located in Poland, what provides tourists with Polish girls - yes, they are that Hot!

- Where are we going for spring break this year? Cancun?
- Man, forget about that! Lets go to Krakow! They have the best parties there, plus we can meet all the Hot Polish Chicks!
- Im in!

by nyna191 October 26, 2007

108👍 25👎


Come to see the wonderful architecture, women and nightlife; stay because someone chopped off your arm with a machete.

Krakow is a great town, but some parts of it are basically Compton without guns.

by adfasdf123 February 15, 2016

24👍 8👎


onomatopoeia for Spaceman Spiff's blasters in his ship firing

former capital of Poland

KRAKOW KRAKOW *enemy fighter explodes*

the capital of your mom is Krakow.

by afrikaaner June 1, 2005

21👍 59👎