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Krebs Cycle

An enzyme mediated pathway that reduces the electron transporting coenzymes FAD+ and NAD+. The reduced forms of these molecules, NADH and FADH2 provide the electrons that power oxidative phosphorylation, the most efficient step in aerobic respiration.

Additionally, the Krebs cycle synthesizes ATP through substrate level phosphorlylation.

It was named for its discoverer, Hans Krebs.

The Krebs Cycle

Citrate > Isocitrate > AlphaKetoglutarate> Succinyl Coenzyme A > Succinate >Fumarate> Malate > Oxaloacetate > back to citrate

by Mister Robotto June 22, 2005

25👍 5👎

Krebs Cycle

The process in which 2 pyruvic acid molecules from glycolosis is converted into 8 NADH, 2 ATP, and 2 FADH2. Each yields NADH yields three ATP through the electron transport chain and each FADH2 yields 2 ATP. Oxygen is required to create a proton gradient so NADH and FADH2 so it could be converted into ATP by ATP Synthase, an enzyme. Since this requires Oxygen, this is a form of aerobic respiration. ATP synthase is located on the mitochondria membrane of eukaryotes and on the plasma membrane of prokaryotes.

I hate everyone who does not know what the Krebs Cycle is!

by JoshMiller March 21, 2004

36👍 15👎