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Kunal Pahwa

The name obviously symbolizes someone with talent, skill, and knowledge. Other words that can be associated to this name are as follows: The King, The Master, Your Daddy, Dare Devil, Stunta, etc etc. Basically if your name is not Kunal Pahwa, you are obsolete! Nuff said...

- Kunal Pahwa is so cool isnt he?
- Man I wish i was Kunal Pahwa
- God, Kunal Pahwa is such a wicked name!
- Aw man, if only I was as skilled as Kunal Pahwa

by Kunal Pahwa March 29, 2005

21👍 18👎

Kunal Pahwa

A curry dish that seems bland at first taste but quickly becomes spicy once it's in your mouth, known to cause indigestion.

"Please pass the kunal pahwa."
"That kunal pahwa gave me gas."

by MrDirks March 3, 2009

2👍 3👎