Source Code

Kurt Russel

Apparently, the erroneous way in which some toolbags spell Kurt RUSSELL by way of failure to include the final L.

When contributing a disparaging Urban Dictionary entry for a cult favorite celeb ala "Kurt Russel", it is strongly recommended that the contributing entity takes a moment to at least ensure that the spelling is correct, before returning to the (Crank That) Souljaboy I-Tunes download and Meet the Spartans tickets from Fandango.

by Robb-a-dob February 5, 2008

9👍 1👎

Kurt Russel

a disused house brick with eyes and a bad mullet.

if Billy Ray Cyrus (please excuse my spelling, i don't speak fluent redneck) had sex with a house brick and by some crazy magic the brick got pregnant, it would give birth to kurt russel.

by I. M. Pantsless September 6, 2007

3👍 16👎

Kurt Russell

To pinch someone's nipple using your bicep and forearm.

I felt the date was taking a turn so I gave her a Kurt Russell. She told me to take her home.

by Citezensnips September 21, 2010

16👍 2👎

Kurt Russell

An alcoholic drink comprised of equal amounts of gin and ginger ale, titled after the actor of the same name.

Danny - "I'm making a Kurt Russell, who wants one?"

Kyle - "Word."

by Dannykf July 17, 2008

77👍 26👎

Kurt Russell

A fictional actor who exclusively stars in movies directed by filmmaker John Carpenter. His real name is Snake Plissken.

Fanboy 1 - "Hey man, I herd Kurt Russell will be playing in John Carpenters new gig."
Fanboy 2 - "You mean SNAKE PLISSKEN is starring in the new Carpenter scifi-horror!"

by jojojack August 3, 2009

33👍 11👎

Kurt Russell

The greatest actor in the universe.

Robert De Niro wishes he was Kurt Russell.

by Phantom Definition Writer October 14, 2005

236👍 124👎

Kurt Russell

A sexual act in which oral sex is preformed with a mouth full of pop rocks candy.

It is said to be named after the actor who also makes ones genitals tingle.

Dude, that chick who works at the candy store gave me a Kurt Russell after hours.

by booberry13 November 11, 2010

20👍 9👎