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Kurta Clan 2.0

Kurta Clan 2.0 is a religion formed by Kurapika lovers of all kinds. With Kurta Clan 2.0, Kurapika Kinnies and Simps all collectively pray to Kurapika. The name originates from how Kurapikaโ€™s old clan was killed by the ph*ntom tr*upe. That is why Kurtaism is the 2nd Kurta Clan. The Kurta people greet/bless each other with the phrase โ€œAkaku ๐Ÿ›โ€ to give others in the clan good luck. Simping/Kinning of any kind towards the ph*ntom tr*upe is strictly forbidden. Kurapika accepts all no matter what unless you are somehow linked to the ph*ntom tr*upe

โ€œI am a member of the Kurta Clan 2.0, Akaku ๐Ÿ›โ€

by Anna Kurta November 1, 2020

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