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Kuyper College

Used to be known as Reformed Bible College (Reformed Bridal College), because of it's strong base in Biblical knowledge and its seeming ability to get people married by the time they graduate. Now called Kuyper College in honor of the Reformed theologian Abraham Kuyper. Famous for "The Loop," which is the path around campus that couples walk. The more times you walk around the loop with someone of the opposite gender, the more likely you are to be married to them. Legend says that these bonds will never be broken. The students that attend this college go there because they want to go, not because their parents made them attend. In other words, the community is very tight. The students there are who they say they are. They are not hypocritical like the other "colleges with a Christian background" around them, they are God-fearing individuals. Parties on campus consist of things like fort building, ultimate frisbee, and root beer keggers. The student body consists of less than 500 people, so it is an incredibly small school.

"Kuyper college students have fun without drugs!"

by truelovewaits1 October 28, 2010

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