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The act of being friendzoned by a woman.

Dude 1:"Duuuude, I got Kyle'd by Becky last night"
Dude 2:"That sucks man"

by TheHeroGothamDeserves March 28, 2012

16👍 1👎


A word derived from the hit television show South Park. This happens when one gets shorted, gypped or cheated out of money, goods or services. This coincidently follows Jewish stereotype, due to the fact Kyle is Jewish. It can also mean to ridicule someone after he/she delivers a great punch line in a politically incorrect or racial joke amidst all the laughter.

Ghetto -- Kyle’d -- Example ----

Soon to be Kyle'd Angry black: Yo word is bond son, I heard that fool McCain is so old, he helped Moses load the Ark.

Kyle'in Politically correct black: Seriously Tyrone, that’s not funny. His age is irrelevant and you know Obama is going to win, so who cares.

Kyle'd Very angry black: Yo nigga you keep that up and you gonna get Debo’d (see Debo’d) fo’ yo Mello’s. Why er’ time I clown that old fool, I get Kyle’d by yo fake black ass?

White Trash dinner table -- Kyle’d --Example -----

White trash mother: Cletus!!!! Pass the bacon, you momma is starving!!!!

Cletus white trash son: UUH ok momma, hey they got a new black in class they do…hes as black as Wesley Snipes butt hole momma……

Politically correct sister: Dammit Cletus grow up!!!! Ray is smart, articulate and polite…that’s uncalled for you, you, you...Harleyman!!! (see Harleyman)

White trash mother: Dammit you little liberal skank!!!! Get yo thin ass in yo room, no dinner fur u tonite missy!!!!! If Cletus gets Kyle’d again by you, its your ass!!!!!

Jewish Transaction --Kyle’d --Example ----

Saul the Jeweler: I’m sorry Mr. Angelo, but I cant go any cheaper on the watch repair…

Mr Angelo: You damn thief, that’s robbery you told me 1000$ not 1195.75$$ Im sick of being nickled and dimed then Kyle’d by you and your people, go back to the dessert for another 40 years…..

Saul: Whatever you human pizza, I hope you phart (see phart) yourself nonight.

by TB2_nola February 17, 2009

21👍 6👎


To be Kyle'd is to be screwed by a co-worker who leaves early saying he is done when he isn't really.

Named for a Kyle who likes to clock out 3-5 min early while saying things like, "I gotta go all I have left are floors but I don't have enough time"

Employee: "Hey man I'm all done, can I go?"
Manager: "You sure your done? You better not Kyle me."
Employee: "I'm not, gonna Kyle you!"
Manager: "Alright get outta here then."

Manager comes out looks arounf and floors still need done, and nothing is wiped down.

Manager: "Dammnit I've been KYLE'D"

by Monkey Toker August 4, 2006

15👍 22👎