something very IMPOSSIBLE and quite horrific to outWIT.
Let me put it to you this way when I got this SPARKY YAGAH00BI A MEAN CHIEF up my ASSH0LE and this ANAL ALAN SHIT ASSH0LE as GOT BUDDAH FUCKED worse as each day forward, this LOGICAL TRANSCENDENTAL DISSONANCE is going to cause such a mental crash at the least that this phraseology make more sense here LOGICAL DISSONANCE ,and now JEWISH FAGGOT'S COPROPHILE PEDOPHILE , " EAT SHIT AND DRINK PISS BY 4:39 AM MAY 10 2022 and don't be an ASSH0LE go "FULL "O" on the words , " FROM YOUR MOTHER" and you will never be able to rise above it because as YOU EAT SHIT ANAL ALAN SHIT WILL KEEP RISING WAY ABOVE YOU HIGHER AND HIGHER , now go 2 IT!!!!!