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Something that has the potential to be "lol"'d or Laughed Out Loud at.

That joke about the bird was very lolable -- I laughed at it very hard.

by tealmarie2010 June 19, 2009


Something that is worthy of loling at

"Dude that bitch looks like she got penetrated by a donkey"
"Ha thats lolable!"

by Joe Griffiths June 17, 2007

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Adj- something to lol (laugh out loud) at, something funny you are able to laugh at.

-the cranberry sauce is better than last year!
-ha thats so "lolable"

by Jujume November 25, 2011


The noob way of saying 'laughable'

OMG,that is so lolable!

by The Gimboid July 20, 2006

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an extention of lol with (that means absolutley nuffin ) 'able' t the end.
'able' - say it like apple but itstead of a 'p' its a 'b' .

no example :) lolable

by leezah j September 3, 2008

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Something worthy of a "LOL"

That joke was definitely lolable.

by JiiRAHhh_ August 12, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a n00b/g00b laughs at an inaprporiate time. instead of saying your a fucking liability you say lolability

n00b: lolololololol
normal person: your a fucking lolability. fuck off
n00b: lol

by Wispa!!LOL!! January 21, 2009

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