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a acronym on twitter meaning loose pussy energy.

stan acc 1: if you leave, you have lpe
stan acc 2: ugh, i don’t want lpe skdksms

by stanofdt February 25, 2019


L- Love
P- Peace
E- Ecstasy

mantra that has its roots in the rave culture, often used to signify the life that many ravers enjoy

LPE is my mantra

by hooligan1001 September 6, 2008

12👍 1👎


A firm started in Long Preston, a group of teenage lads that like to get into trouble on a regular basis.


by willybits January 19, 2009

7👍 4👎


LPES acronym stands for Low Performing English Speakers. LPES students are students who are not new to the country or are learning a second language. LPES students performance rates are so low that they could be grouped with LTELs.

My ELD (English language development) class includes both LTEL (Long term English learners) and LPES (low performing English speakers). LPES students are students who are not new to the country or are learning a second language. LPES students performance rates are so low that they could be grouped with LTELs.

by Mr. Beef Wellington September 16, 2019

(LPE)Loose Pussy Energy

(Loose Pussy Energy) Similar to “small dick energy” is when a woman is carrying herself in an inappropriate manner or act’s similar to a Karen(AKA, acting like a hoe).

Could also be called a young Karen)

EX 1: A woman is dressed skimpy at a bar
EX 2: A girl orders a 4oz Filet at a restaurant and is mad that it is not 8oz

Use EX 1: That girl just yelled at a kid for being too loud,(LPE)loose pussy energy right there!

Use EX 2: College girls always dress up like hoe’s on Halloween because of their (LPE)loose pussy energy

by M1on Eu$k December 18, 2023