Source Code


Three versions now exist, of LUEshi, an ascii artwork by Patamon, The distorted version which you see is suitable for viewing in the arial font.
Nowadays posting LUEshi on Gamefaqs will get you suspention and if you're lucky, 60 days in purgatory.
Never has a mascot been so widely abused and misunderstood.

Topic title:
So, I met this hot girl (pics now)

Message content:

by container October 21, 2004

71👍 13👎


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by Sniper604 September 11, 2004

421👍 133👎


A fad on LUE that is usually expected to show up at least once and any topic.Especially serious ones or Pr0n links.

"OMG LUEshi?Expected/10

by Hompsar February 19, 2004

52👍 15👎


The best picture of Yoshi and Mario. founded on LUE, board 402 on gamefaqs

LUEshi is teh bestorz!!!??!?!?!1122!!?@21

by jajaka February 8, 2004

202👍 74👎


An Ascii picture of Mario riding Yoshi.

It is called a LUEshi because it was popularized by an organization called LUE.

Here is a mini LUEshi!
.......\://(.\-':-,.>.||:/. ):::::::::|
.....//::-,,,,,,-' ' ''' '`

by Xerxus February 20, 2005

65👍 22👎


One of the most popular LUE fads ever. Posting it on LUE is now a markable offense.

In response to a topic:
Expected LUEshi/10

by rarr August 12, 2004

26👍 8👎


LUEshi is t3h most 1337 ASCII evar. LUE 402 RULES!

So one day I caught my mom and dad..... <insert LUEshi>

by LUEshiPWNSJOO April 13, 2004

59👍 27👎