Ladder Breeze (n.) The interdimensional energy channels and variant ionic frequencies that connect all points of the Universe throughout time which allow HEKA masters ( or even intrepid psychonauts using various tropes ) to connect to any place within conscious or unconscious perception.
Optimally a ladder breeze is accessed with precise internally generated doses of DMT causing parasomniac awareness in the pineal gland and sending pulses of biophotons through the subconscious minds non-temporal and non-spatial connectivity within the Universal Sub-Consciousness creating possibilities of transmission of audio or visual information to any point within perception including backwards and forwards in time and into the subconscious awareness of individuals or groups either as hallucinations, dreams or manifestations into material reality.
Uncontrolled and inexpert ladder breeze connectivity is often contemporarily labeled as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena and can cause negative consequences for the untrained and unaware individuals who witness these UAP events. Many ancient societies had complex and well considered methodology in magick and cultic frameworks for proactive engagement with ladder breezes and beneficial management of random UAPs.9+
A wizard may not fly on a broom but they can travel anywhere by connecting to the correct ladder breeze and then literally anything is possible.
LADDER BREEZE (n.) The interdimensional energy channels and variant ionic frequencies that connect all points of the Universe throughout time which allow HEKA masters ( or even intrepid psychonauts using various tropes ) to connect to any place within conscious or unconscious perception.
Optimally a ladder breeze is accessed with precise internally generated doses of DMT causing parasomniac awareness in the pineal gland and sending pulses of biophotons through the subconscious minds non-temporal and non-spatial connectivity within the Universal Sub-Consciousness. This creates possibilities of transmission of audio or visual information to any point within perception including backwards and forwards in time and into the subconscious awareness of individuals or groups either as hallucinations, dreams or manifestations into material reality.
Uncontrolled and inexpert ladder breeze connectivity is often contemporarily labeled as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena and can cause negative consequences for the untrained and unaware individuals who witness these UAP events. Many ancient societies had complex and well considered methodology in magick and cultic frameworks for proactive engagement with ladder breezes and beneficial management of random UAPs.
EXAMPLE OF USAGE - A wizard may not fly on a broom but they can travel anywhere by connecting to the correct ladder breeze and then literally anything is possible.