Source Code

Same Lane Shame Change

When you try to pass a slow moving car by switching lanes only to find there is another car going slower, then you get back behind the previous car.

I had to do a Same Lane Shame Change after I tried passing the old lady in the POV then ended up behind a mini van.

by mdub783 July 19, 2014

lane shaming

The act of, in your mind, shaming the vehicle in lane 3 of a 4-lane motorway (when there’s no other traffic) by overtaking them and immediately with no indication pulling in to lane 1. Whilst passing, give them the Look of Shame, the one that says “You can’t drive, you cockgibbon, and you’re probably in lane 3 because you have a third puffy nipple.”

- How was your drive to London?
- There was a right cockgibbon in a turquoise van, sat in lane 3, tweaking sommat.
- Did you give ‘em a decent Lane Shaming?
- Fam, I Lane Shamed ‘em to the n-th level of Hell… Aldershot.

by Dogburster November 20, 2023