Source Code

Late Stage Porn Addiction

An acronym to describe someone who has gotten so desperate, and so addicted to porn, that the only solution is by spreading their habits to other people. these people are often pedophiles and predators.

credits to ruben sim.

Ted: Shit, I can never get a signal in your apartment. Hey, can I use your laptop?
John: Yeah go ahead.
Ted: Ok, thanks.
John: Holy shit, dude! what's the matter? what happened?
John: What's going on?
John: Well, what the hell are you doin' lookin' at my private shit?
Ted: What are you talking about private shit, Johnny it was wide open, there are literally THOUSANDS OF FILES IN HERE!
John: Well I've been meaning to clear some of that out!
Ted: JESUS CHRI- look at the organization here, clockwise Rimjob? counterclockwise Rimjob?
John: Well sometimes you like seeing the tongue go the other way!
Ted: You sick bastard- look at this! CHICKS W/ DICKS?!!?
John: Oh my god... my god I have a Late Stage Porn Addiction, alright? I need help!
Ted: There are no chicks w/ dicks, Johnny! only guys w/ tits!
John: well, this is such a relief, I'm glad I'm finally caught! I wanted to be caught!
Ted: Johnny, now, you listen to me. This is a wakeup call, alright? You've gotta get back out there, and meet somebody, because you're spiraling out of control here!
John: alright, alright, fine, I will, just stop looking at that shit!
Ted: Johnny, I mean it, alright? the next chick you meet, you're getting back in the game.
John: fine, I got it. done.
Ted: alright, now let's get rid of this.
John: what do you mean? lets just delete the files!
Ted: no, no, no. that shit can always be recovered. we gotta smash your laptop with a hammer

by stunning, and dingaling January 21, 2024