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Lauren Lopez

A soprano queen. Mostly know for her career with Starkids, she has played many iconic roles, such as Emma in (The Guy Who didn't like Musicals), Draco Malfoy in (A very potter Musical) and Zazzolil in (Firebringer). She is a funny, latino actress, and always seems to be wearing a wig onstage.

Fangirl:Lauren Lopez is my queen
Boting person: who's Lauren lopez?
Fangirl: *splutters and spits out water* EXcuse Mwah? Only a better Draco than Tom Felton.

by Luna Elana June 12, 2020

Lauren Lopez

The most gloriously, supremely awesome person ever to grace the multiverse with their presence. Known for her portrayal of a feminine, ground-slithering, Hermy-one-loving, and Pigfarts-desiring Draco Malfoy in A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel. She also played Taz, a short, angry, Mexican Starship Ranger and Buggette, a simpering caterpillar with the hots for Bug in Starship. Both productions were put on by Starkid, a theater group in Michigan.

Lauren Lopez is so talented, she can be both a feminine boy and a masculine girl.

by Empress of the Multiverse December 23, 2011

256👍 52👎

Lauren Lopez

A blonde stalker who is insecure and jealous of almost every female.
Lauren seems to be a real "Go Getter",

However it's all an act she has learned from her Father ( the talented mister Ripley). Played by Matt Damon in the above titled film. Lauren Lopez will use anyone and everyone to her advantage all while smiling and offering you conchas or some Mexican food she has no idea how to make.

She is a compulsive liar

She sucked that couple dry until they had no money and then slandered them all "Lauren Lopez "style

by Midmorningtea11 January 27, 2020

3👍 38👎

Roll Around on the Floor Like Lauren Lopez Day

Celebrated on the 7th of October, this holiday celebrates the amazing preformances of Lauren Lopez as Draco Malfoy in the YouTube sensations: A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel. On this day, everyone who loves AVPM/S gets to roll around on the floor!

Person 1: Dude why are you rolling around on the floor?
Person 2: It's "Roll Around on the Floor Like Lauren Lopez Day" duh!

by dailey13 October 5, 2010

337👍 21👎