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Law of Resistance

Law of Resistance (noun):

1. A principle suggesting that consistent effort applied against internal or external challenges, such as doubt, fear, or discomfort, generates the momentum necessary for personal growth, achievement, and forward movement.

2. In a broader context, it refers to the idea that resistance, rather than being an obstacle, can be harnessed as a force to propel one toward higher levels of success, much like how an airplane generates lift by pushing against wind resistance.

How it works:
Internal Resistance as Wind:

- Challenges and obstacles (internal and external) act like the wind in flight. They create pressure and friction, but when harnessed correctly, they become tools for growth and personal evolution.

- Consistent effort and action represent the airplane's engines. The more we actively engage with resistance, the more power we generate to move forward.

- By facing and pushing against resistance consistently, we create "lift" in our lives—overcoming stagnation and rising above limitations.

"The Law of Resistance states that by consistently pushing against internal resistance—be it doubt, fear, or discomfort—you generate the force needed to lift yourself to higher levels of personal achievement and growth. Just as an airplane uses the wind's resistance to rise, engaging with your own internal struggles creates the momentum necessary to propel you forward in life."

by Possibility Advocate September 5, 2024