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Lee County, Fl

A shit county smack in the middle of an even shittier state, Florida, the United States's Syphilis ridden penis. The residents, aka the dirty fucking pubic crabs, and their government, a bunch of circus clowns on methamphetamines, together make this county an absolutely unbearable place to live.

Let me give you some demographics:

As of writing this we have 740,000 residents.

Of those residents:

- 400,000 are cousin fucking rednecks whose idea of dressing up is putting on some stained hepatitis infested shorts, a shitty camo shirt (even though they haven't hunted a day in their life), and beat up leather boots covered in cow shit.

- 300,000 are entitled old drunks who think that they are big shit because they drive a crappy 1992 Audi with 200,000 miles. These people have created their own language similar to Groot's in which they say two phrases with various tones in order to convey their thoughts. These phrases are "I want to see your manager!" and "Fuck n***gers." Learn this language and you will unlock the key to decoding their dementia fueled thoughts.

- All the rest are the rare few people who are actually sufferable.

As far as things to do, there aren't really that many things to do in Lee County that don't make you want to give a blowjob to a shotgun. Some things that come to mind are shooting up heroin, abusing prescriptions, and swimming in the toxic cesspool that is the Gulf of Mexico. That's basically it...

Lee County, Fl is an awful place to live.

by Anon7484859291 July 12, 2019