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Left-crafting involves the normalizing and popularizing of the Left's ideolgy at the expense of and marginalizing of the conservative right.

Here's the new term people, for what Don Lemon is doing... it's going to be referred to from now on as "left-crafting". It's what the left obsessively spends all it's waking hours


Left-crafting involves the normalizing and popularizing of the Left's ideolgy at the expense of and marginalizing of the conservative right.

They are always trying to create a false equivalency attempting to coalese a majority of people under the

false pretense of moral authority and the greater good. They claim they have the moral high ground. The typical ruse of the greater good being "climate change", humanitarian compassion, "ending racism", etc. Don Lemon knows damn well CNN is extremely liberal, as is MSNBC. But he wants you to believe CNN is what normal folks watch. Only extreme MAGA REPUBLICANS, those hoodlums on the extreme far right, watch Fox news. Don knows he's full of crap, but he can't help himself from "left-crafting"

by Renegade Rider Palos Verdes December 1, 2022

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