Leialoha is a Hawaiian name meaning "beloved child". She is a girl that hides behind fronts and faces to make it seem like she's doing alright. She may seem like she has her life together, but in reality there is something dark and sad brewing on the inside of her. Although she may be hurting, she'll stop at nothing to make sure the people around her and the ones she loves are happy. She may seem a little ratchet, but she's nicer once you get to know her, and you'll see that her disrespect is more of her way of saying that she truly cares about you... Unless she makes you cry, then she means it.
I used to think Leialoha was such a bitch, but I understand that's just her way of giving aloha.
When a female likes to suck on a males big toes as she’s getting penetrated
My mom walked in on me giving a dirty Leialoha to my boyfriend
When a female likes to suck on a males big toes as she is getting penetrated
My boyfriend loves when I do the Dirty Leialoha during sexual intercourse