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Lemmy's balls

A meme that's been around since Lemmy was introduced to Mario Maker 2. A YouTuber named Smashy then used it as a pun in his Mythbuster series. Lemmy's thrown balls are literally indestructible, not even Yoshi can eat them. Its only weakness is a fucking wall.

A: Hey, you see that Lemmy over there?
B: Yeah, let's touch Lemmy's balls haha.
A: Good idea.

by CreepyGlider February 9, 2021

Lemmy’s balls

Lemmy’s balls are yellow balls with orange stars on them, lemmy’s balls are amazing and are owned bye lemmy Koopa, one of the koopalings, Bowser’s 7 “children”, lemmy’s balls are bouncy, squishy, wonderful, beautiful, and they look cute

I was playing some Super Mario Maker 2, when I stumbled upon a level titled lemmy’s balls, I played it and there were a lot of lemmy’s balls, it was an amazing experience.

by Deepfried February 10, 2021