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Leninism refers to various related political and economic theories elaborated by Bolshevik revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin, and by other theorists who claim to be carrying on Lenin's work. Leninism builds upon and elaborates the ideas of Marxism, and serves as a philosophical basis for the ideology of Soviet Communism.
Leninism had become one of the dominant branches of Marxism since the establishment of the Soviet Union.

One of the central concepts of Leninism is the view that imperialism is the highest stage of the capitalist economic system.

by Sasha Sasha November 29, 2007

62๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž


Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov
Founder of Communism in Russia. Remebered in the West mostly through the propagana of Stalin and later dictators, and as being not quite as bad as Stalin. Instigated the Red Terror (mass executions and deportations of suspected Whites during the Civil War, often by quota), and expanded the Tsarist political prison camp system into the GULAG which served Stalin so well. Made selling things an imprisonable offence (the crime of "speculation"), as well as expanding the definitions of punishable "political crimes", which often had worse punishment than real crimes. Laid the foundations for Stalin's work. Hero worshipped by young Western socialists who, if they had actually read anything that he wrote, would realise that he was an utterly barking moonbat.

Lenin said "The greatest threat to our revolution is ... the shopkeepers" (in response to inflated prices for goods in towns caused by the Red Army pillaging the countryside, killing peasants and confiscating their produce... all for "The People", you know!)

by Stoatman August 22, 2004

988๐Ÿ‘ 591๐Ÿ‘Ž


The less marketable version of Che Guevara

People think Che is cool because they don't know who he really was, but they also think that Lenin wasn't cool because they know who he really was.

by Omega Death December 24, 2004

680๐Ÿ‘ 411๐Ÿ‘Ž


The predecessor to Stalin in the Russian Revolution and leader of the Bolshevik Party. The party sucessfully destroyed the revolution by crushing the workers councils. An enemy of the proletariat.

by Anonymous December 7, 2002

77๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž


The belief of the elimination of the social class system, stemming from the writings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. This system revolutionized Russia in the early 1900's, making the country a world power in years to come. The policies Lenin created would have most likely carried the Soviet Union into the 20th century if not for Stalin's exile of Leon Trotsky, Lenin's understudy and obvious choice of successor. However due to Stalin's shift from communism to a totalitarian regime, the country collapsed in the early 1990's due to economic, social, and political pressure.

The true test that Lenin's thoeries, ideas, and Leninism itself would have worked if not for Stalin can be seen in present day China. The most rapidly growing country in the world, both economicly and population wise. China being a socailist country, will exceed America as the most powerful country in the world in the coming years fiscally and militarily.

by OldSchool June 15, 2006

43๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be a extraordinary intelligent man, and great orator.

He spoke like Lenin would did...

by Lenin February 13, 2004

855๐Ÿ‘ 899๐Ÿ‘Ž


A great leader. Creater of the Communist and Socialist Philosophy, whose Ideas spread to many great nations. Ex. Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, North Korea, Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, etc.

That man was a Lenin.

by Calvin and Devin February 18, 2004

424๐Ÿ‘ 558๐Ÿ‘Ž