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Leonard Hall Junior Naval Academy

A school that physically and literally has no structure and once to multiple times a year. They will change the rules for no apparent reason bc they realize they're not doing any of it right. It costs hell of money to go and the only reason you would go is to weakly experience a Navy and army kind of mixed in. When you get there in the morning your phones taken and the teachers trip balls for no fucking reason then you have to run laps around the school to reenforce that adults can do whatever the fuck they want.

Employer: I like you so far alot, are you graduated.
LHJNA student: no sir/ma'am I'm currently a student at Leonard Hall Junior Naval Academy because my parents wanted me to get a better structure.
Employer: aaahhh, alright thank you for your time we'll contact you.
*Never contacts you again because the schools an embarrassment*

by Mattfromwiisports March 11, 2019